Home daycare set up

We moved apartments, so homeschooling focus dipped. However, at our new place, Mom figured to start a small daycare in the front room. With three kiddies, it’d be cheaper to higher a daycare teacher than pay fees. Another two children are registered as well. Major benefits are that we control the types of food and…

Ocean drawings

Thought about what we’d see at the ocean, looked words up on Google Image search, Dad drew images. Spelled and repeated the spelling in English and Arabic. Colored in drawings and practiced colors in English. ​Read books in English. Time: 1h30m

ABC trace on S Note

We talked about and spelled one-syllable  words starting with A, B, and C in the book New My ABC (www.alrowadpub.com) and reviewed basic colors. Then traced dotted capital letters on the Note with the S-Pen. Time: 45m

1, 2, 3, 4 and Surah An-Nas

Integrated color review with counting objects up to 4. Kids identified and placed Lego blocks on same-colored spot. Each color had either 1, 2, 3, or 4 blocks. Kids identified colors of animal grow capsules (thanks Awesome Grandma Doris) and matched each sponge animal with its color. Counted objects around the house. Kids repeated Surah…

Arabic alphabet: ج ح خ

Mom hung up the Arabic alphabet (but who stole the ت ?).Kids repeated the alphabet song. Worked on articulation  of letters خ ح ج and the difference between the letter ح and ه.

Red, blue, green, and the letter E

Kids identified colors red, blue, and green, drew with colors, pieced together color puzzles. They found objects of the same colors, Dad wrote and spelled out the objects’ words, and kids repeated. Himo traced letters and identified the lower case letter e. We read Little Blue Truck, identified animals, and kids recounted parts of the story. Also…